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ArtQuest Artist-Instructors
ArtQuest is honored to introduce you to our artists:

Judy Griffin, Diane Browne and Fritzi Heron all have working studios at the ArtQuest location in Midland.   

Judy Griffin
All-Level Art Education Degree
Forty-five years art education experience
Designed the first art classes for Kids College at Midland College. Juried area wide art shows and exhibits.
Media:  Oils, acrylics, watercolor, pencil, batik, colored pencils, collage,
pen & ink, lost wax process- jewelry,
sculpture, ceramics-potter's wheel &
hand building 

(432) 682-2469  ArtQuest
​(432) 553-1455  Cell


Fritzi Heron, APA  WFWS

​BA degree, Secondary Art Certification
40 years art education experience
Experience as a commercial and studio artist
Contacted by organizations to present workshops/demonstrations and to serve as juror 

Signature Member - American Plains Artists & Western Federation of Watercolor Societies
Member - Portrait Society of America, West Texas Watercolor Society, American Women Artists, Watercolor Horizons Group, Texas Wild Bunch, Midland Palette Club

Media:  Watercolor, Pencil, Colored Pencil, Charcoal and Pastel.

(432) 682-2469       (432) 553-0420

Fritzi Heron - Artist

Diane K Browne
​BBA in business management degree from UTPB and former business owner. 
Introduced to art at Midland College in 1996 and continued study with classes and workshops.
An artist full-time since 2011.
My works have been shown in juried, judged, and invitation only shows through-out the Permian Basin.
In 2007, my "Horns 'N Thorns" piece won Best of Show at the Midland Arts Association show.
I currently frame from the studio and take commission work.

Media: Pencil (Graphite, Colored, and Watercolor), Pastel, Acrylic, Watercolor

Member of Odessa Arts Association, Midland Arts Association, and Midland Palette Club

(432) 664-3197